Welcome to the author page for Eric Klein.
Here you will find out about Eric's publications, hints about future publications, and weekly interviews with other authors about the science and world building that went into their novels.
To learn more about Eric you can check out the About Eric Klein page.
You can learn more about each published book by clicking on one of the images to the left. But, in a nutshell, Eric writes in two very different areas: Security and Science Fiction.
The security is related to his day job, and the fact that he has been trying to help companies prepare or prevent problems for more than 15 years. This includes preparing for disaster recovery, preventing telecom fraud, or just protection from security breaches. These topics are represented by the book chapters and articles he written on them.
Writing Science fiction is more of a passionate hobby, an attempt to guide towards a better future using real science to show what could be possible. In his debut two book series we follow BJ Armstrong as he explores some of the colonies in the Solar System. Along the way BJ gets caught in one of the biggest heists in history complete with murder attempts and pirates. To help with the science there are a scientific symposium and a beauty pageant taking place on the same ship.